The Longest 15 Minutes of My Life
Quite possibly the most gut-wrenching moment of my life so far was standing in the delivery suite, somewhat sleep deprived and stressed as a consultant said "right, we need to prep your wife for theatre, we'll be back for you in a minute." Then briskly wheeled my partner from the room.
The consultant and midwives disappear.
I'm left alone in a very empty room. Crap, it's hot in here. Sweating.
They said in a minute right? Starting to pace.
Oh, a midwife! Can you... Oh, she's just picking up some paperwork. They'll come for me in a minute. Right...
What if something's gone wrong? They mentioned something about emergency c-section didn't they?
I'll take a look outside, there might be somebody in the corridor I can ask. May as well have some tumbleweeds there.
More pacing. Mild panic. Where the heck is everybody? (Language somewhat edited at this point).
"Ah there you are, we'll just take you through."
Five minutes later I had a daughter. Those five minutes went considerably faster.